full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anna Deavere Smith: Four American characters

Unscramble the Blue Letters

"I used to believe America was the best. I watched in Korea many luuxirous hyowlolod lifestyle movie. I never saw any poor man, any black. Until 1992, I used to believe America was the best — I still do; I don't deny that because I am a victim. But at the end of '92, when we were in such turmoil, and having all the financial problems, and all the mental problems, I began to really realize that koernas are completely left out of this scietoy and we are nothing. Why? Why do we have to be left out? We didn't qualify for medical ttnreemat, no food stamp, no GR,

Open Cloze

"I used to believe America was the best. I watched in Korea many _________ _________ lifestyle movie. I never saw any poor man, any black. Until 1992, I used to believe America was the best — I still do; I don't deny that because I am a victim. But at the end of '92, when we were in such turmoil, and having all the financial problems, and all the mental problems, I began to really realize that _______ are completely left out of this _______ and we are nothing. Why? Why do we have to be left out? We didn't qualify for medical _________, no food stamp, no GR,


  1. society
  2. koreans
  3. luxurious
  4. hollywood
  5. treatment

Original Text

"I used to believe America was the best. I watched in Korea many luxurious Hollywood lifestyle movie. I never saw any poor man, any black. Until 1992, I used to believe America was the best — I still do; I don't deny that because I am a victim. But at the end of '92, when we were in such turmoil, and having all the financial problems, and all the mental problems, I began to really realize that Koreans are completely left out of this society and we are nothing. Why? Why do we have to be left out? We didn't qualify for medical treatment, no food stamp, no GR,

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
defining moment 5
american history 3
negative imagination 3
security guard 3
wear shoes 2
absorb america 2
black man 2
los angeles 2
igniting fire 2

Important Words

  1. america
  2. began
  3. black
  4. completely
  5. deny
  6. financial
  7. food
  8. gr
  9. hollywood
  10. korea
  11. koreans
  12. left
  13. lifestyle
  14. luxurious
  15. man
  16. medical
  17. mental
  18. movie
  19. poor
  20. problems
  21. qualify
  22. realize
  23. society
  24. stamp
  25. treatment
  26. turmoil
  27. victim
  28. watched